Relevant Publications to Explore
Deepen your understanding of equity-mindedness and action inquiry with these books and articles:
Bensimon, E. M., & Malcom, L. E. (Eds.) (2012). Confronting equity issues on campus: Implementing the equity scorecard in theory and practice. Sterling: Stylus Publishing.
Dowd, A. C., Bensimon, E. M. (2015). Engaging the “race question”: Accountability and equity in U.S. higher education. New York: Teachers College Press.
Drivalas, Y., Kezar, A., & Kitchen, J. A.(2018). Envisioning public scholarship for our time: Models for higher education researchers. Access Estela Mara Bensimon’s chapter via Google Books. Sterling: Stylus Publishing.
Harris III, F., & Bensimon, E. M. (2008). The equity scorecard: A collaborative approach to assessing and responding to racial/ethnic disparities in student outcomes. In S. R. Harper & L. D. Patton (Eds.), New directions for student services: Responding to the realities of race. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
McNair, T. B., Bensimon, E. M., & Malcom-Piquex, L. (2020). From equity talk to equity walk: Expanding practitioner knowledge for racial justice in higher education. Hoboken: Jossey-Bass.
Bensimon, E. M., Dowd, A. C., Longanecker, D., & Witham, K. (2012): We have goals. Now what?. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 44(6), 14-25.
Center for Urban Education. (2017). Improving attainment: Making equity part of your state’s postsecondary planning. Los Angeles: Center for Urban Education, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California.
Center for Urban Education. (2017). Improving postsecondary attainment: Overcoming common challenges to an equity agenda in state policy. Los Angeles: Center for Urban Education, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California.
Center for Urban Education. (2017). Protocol for assessing equity-mindedness in state policy. Los Angeles: Center for Urban Education, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California.
Malcom-Piqueux, L. E., Bensimon, E. M. (2015). Design Principles for equity and excellence at hispanic-serving institutions Perspectivas: Issues in Higher Education Policy and Practice, (4). San Antonio: The University of Texas at San Antonio.
Bensimon, E. M. (2020). The case for an anti-racist stance toward paying off higher education’s racial debt. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 52(2), 7-11.
Bensimon, E.M. (2018) Reclaiming racial justice in equity. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 50(3), 95-98.
Bensimon, E. M. (2007). The underestimated significance of practitioner knowledge in the scholarship of student success. The Review of Higher Education, 30(4), 441-469.
Bensimon, E. M. (2006). Learning equity-mindedness: Equality in educational outcomes. The Academic Workplace, 1(17), 2-21.
Bensimon, E., Dowd, A., Stanton-Salazar, R., & Dávila, B. (2019). The role of institutional agents in providing institutional support to latinx students in STEM. Review of Higher Education, 42(4), 1689–1721.
Bensimon, E. M., & Gray, J. (2020). First-generation equity practitioners: Are they part of the problem?. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 52(2), 69-73.
Dowd, A. C., Witham, K., Hanson, D., Ching, C. D., Liera, R., & Fernandez, M. C. (2018). Bringing accountability to life: How savvy data users find the “actionable n” to improve equity and sustainability in higher education. American Council on Education.
Felix, E. R., Bensimon, E. M., Hanson, D., Gray, J., & Klingsmith, L. (2015). Developing agency for equity-minded change. In E. L. Castro (Ed.), Equity in Practice: Critical Inquiry in Community College Contexts. Special volume for New Directions for Community College. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Malcom-Piqueux, L., Bensimon, E. M. (2017). Taking equity-minded action to close equity gaps. Peer Review: Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence, 19(2).
Center for Urban Education. (2020). A movement towards equity: Tracing the impact of the Center for Urban Education’s student equity planning institute (SEPI). Los Angeles, CA: Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California.
Center for Urban Education. (2021). California community college student equity plan review: A focus on racial equity. Los Angeles, CA: Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California.
Bensimon, E. M. & Dowd, A. C. (2012). Developing the capacity of faculty to become institutional agents for Latinos in STEM. Los Angeles: University of Southern California.
Bensimon, E. M., Dowd, A. C., Chase, M. M., Sawatzky, M., Shieh, L. T., Rall, R. M. & Jones, T. (2012). Community college change agents at HSIs: Stewarding HSI-STEM funds for Latino student success in STEM. Los Angeles: University of Southern California.
Dowd, A.C., Malcom, L.E., & Bensimon, E.M. (2009). Benchmarking the success of Latino and Latina students in STEM to achieve national graduation goals. Los Angeles: University of Southern California.