Creating Solutions
Through Inquiry
Inquiry is a core component of this approach. These tools support action-inquiry via race-conscious observations in the places where students interact with faculty and staff as well as the analysis of artifacts (such as syllabi and websites) to uncover racialized messages and meanings embedded within them.
In this phase, you will:
Gain frameworks for discussing race in the classroom and across the student experience
Learn to use guided observation as a practical method of inquiry
Learn to use methods of discourse analysis to analyze documents, syllabi, and webpages, and understand what messages they may convey to and about minoritized students
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Tool Overview
Learn how to use observation to uncover evidence of racial/ethnic patterns and prompt self-reflection, which can lead to developing and implementing changes in practice. The PDF includes an introduction plus three approaches to observation:
Descriptive Observation
Participant Observation
Peer Observation
Review documents like student handbooks, financial aid forms, or even mission statements and consider whether the policies, practices, and approaches described in the selected document address racial equity.
Use syllabi as a starting place to reflect on teaching approaches and practices, especially how they affect minoritized students. A self-assessment of syllabi can lead to more race-conscious teaching approaches and practices. This tool has also been built out as an interactive website. Explore it here.
Similar to the other review tools, this scan focuses on the college website or a specific webpage. Investigate whether the page perpetuates racial bias or communicates who is welcome and included in the campus community.
Learn how to develop and conduct interviews and focus groups with racially minoritized students to deepen understanding of how they experience classrooms and other campus spaces.
“I feel like…one of the biggest impacts that the work with CUE has had on me [is] the way that I observe, and now the way that I structure my debriefs when I'm talking with people.”
A reflection on engaging with the tools
in this phase from a white male instructor
with 10+ years teaching experience